Project page from coordinated multi-arm motion planning approaches.
This project is maintained by nbfigueroa
Following we list all of the code repositories made available for this project, including:
Code for estimation of second-order DS in MATLAB
Code for Execution of second-order DS in C++
Code for Multi-arm DS (synchronous/asynchronous reaching) in C++
Code for Generating the Self-Collision Avoidance Dataset in C++
Code for Learning the Self-Collision Avoidance function in MATLAB
Code for Evaluation of SVM function and gradient in MATLAB and C++
Code for Centralized IK solver in C++
[1] Mirrazavi Salehian, S. S., Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2016) “Coordinated multi-arm motion planning: Reaching for moving objects in the face of uncertainty”. In Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems XVI , Arbor, Michigan, USA. Received Best Student paper Award. Nominated for Best Conference Paper Award. Best Systems Paper Award. link
[2] Mirrazavi Salehian, S. S., Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2017) “Dynamical System-based Motion Planning for Multi-Arm Systems: Reaching for moving objects”. In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2017, Melbourne, Australia. link
[3] Mirrazavi Salehian, S. S., Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2018) “A Unified Framework for Coordinated Multi-Arm Motion Planning”. The International Journal of Robotics Research. link
[4] Figueroa, N., Mirrazavi Salehian, S. S. and Billard, A. (2018) “Multi-Arm Self-Collision Avoidance: A Sparse Solution for a Big Data Problem”. In Proceedings of the Third Machine Learning in Planning and Control of Robot Motion (MLPC) Workshop. ICRA. link
Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch) or Sina Mirrazavi (sina.mirrazavi AT epfl dot ch)
This work was supported by the EU project Cogimon H2020-ICT-23-2014.